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Study on cannabis and society - for current or former Dutch frequent cannabis users

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    Wetenschap Study on cannabis and society - for current or former Dutch frequent cannabis users

    Korting op 420shop
    Dear Jointje Draaien community members,

    I am a master's student in Behavioural Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, currently completing my master's thesis. My thesis explores some of the links between the society we live in and the extent of cannabis use.

    The survey is intended for individuals who are either currently using cannabis frequently (at least 3 times a week, most of the year) or individuals who have previously used cannabis frequently. While a particular focus of the study is on residents of Australia and the Netherlands, I am also interested in the answers of all other current and former cannabis users.

    General information regarding the survey:

    - T- The survey takes under 10 minutes to complete

    - The survey is hosted by Qualtrics, a platform licensed by my university

    - The answers you provide are anonymous and cannot be linked back to you

    - The survey was approved by my university's relevant ethics board (ERIM Internal Review Board)

    - The survey is purely for academic purposes

    Link to survey:

    I am grateful to anyone who takes the time to complete the survey or pass the link on to anyone who might. Once I complete my thesis (presumable in August), I will post the main results, for anyone interested.

    Please note that discussion of the details of the survey could lead to contagion of the results. For this reasons, I would greatly appreciated it if you could avoid discussing the details of the survey in the comments section, while it is open.

    In case of any questions, please message me on this platform.

    Thank you,

    Last edited by Chloe econ; 11 June 2019, 15:10.

    Last edited by QnQ; 11 June 2019, 15:49.
    ~ 2011-12 ~ 2012-13 ~ 2017 ~ 2019 ~ 2020 ~ BuitenQweeksels ~


      and another one
      Haze kweek #1,Haze kweek #2,Indica/sativa, weske's indoor garden


        I can't be bothered either to be frank


          Ad usum proprium!


            not worthy to invest my time in it
            and speak dutch its a dutch forum


              Ik sluit me aan bij de rest hier na in het verleden wel eens mijn tijd verspilt te hebben met dit soort studies zonder inderdaad ook iets van resultaten gezien te hebben achteraf.
              Daarnaast proberen ze je normaal nog te paaien met een waardebon die verloot wordt onder de deelnemers, wat natuurlijk hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook niet gebeurd. Veel succes ermee

